Christian arguments against hinduism holy book

Because hinduism in general does not stress humanitarian efforts, outreach projects centered on works of mercy, such as educational facilities, hospitals, or leprosaria, have had great success. In several tests the bible surpasses the hindu vedas, and all other books of antiquity, for that matter. Hinduism and buddhism, an introduction article khan academy. For this reason, its sometimes referred to as a way of life or a family of religions, as. There is no eternal hell, no damnation, in hinduism, and no intrinsic evilno satanic force that opposes the will of god. The war against hinduism stephen knapp and his books on. In this video, charlie campbell, a christian apologist, interacts with a formidable scripturewielding jehovahs witness well, a pretend one in a versebyverse examination of the most. Lacking knowledge about the christian faith, laurettes mom found herself drawn to new age practices, and began reading books by nostradamus and edgar cayce both claimed to have psychic abilities and taking laurette to an ashram, a hindu yoga retreat. There are also other holy books like puranas, ramayana, mahabharta etc. The bhagavad gita is considered the most popular and sacred book.

Instead, it is a religion of relativism, where few hindus worship the same way. Take a look at the document dominus jesus of the catholic church. Rather, there is a huge array of different sacred texts. Sep 25, 2015 hinduism is the third most popular religion, said to have started about 4000 years ago. Logical and biblical defeaters of reincarnation and karma. Jan 02, 2020 the resurrection of christ and the larger christian doctrine of resurrection are both deserving of consideration. The different gods and goddesses in the hindu mythology are derived from these books. Witnessing to hindus christian answers network home. Thus any definition of hinduism is somewhat arbitrary and.

Objections hindus raise against christianity and brief. Introduction christianity and hinduism are among the religions found in the world, with hinduism being the oldest davies 99105. Antihindu charge against congress reflects on accusers. Hinduism is practised by more than 80% of indias population. We do not take the time to argue against paganism 2 or reincarnation 3 or pantheism 4 here, but only against modern materialism 1, since that is the source of most of the philosophical arguments against immortality in our culture. The church through the ages has acknowledged this status by referring to the bible as its canon, which means that the bible is the written. In developing a proper comparative approach to the philosophy of r. Hinduism tells every one to worship god according to his own faith or.

What is the evidence for or against the validity of. For many, but not all religions, this is given some form of agency and. The bible claims to beand the church has recognized it asthe word of god. Jul 14, 2020 after 43 minutes of debate, the panel took the arguments under submission. Prophecies about holy prophet in hindu, christian, jewish n parsi. Hinduism teaches that humanitys main problem is the mistaken belief that we are individuals and not one with the ultimate divine reality, brahman. A christian speaks in defence of hinduism apokatastasis. However, such perfection has never been reached by any hindu. In this video, charlie campbell, a christian apologist, interacts with a formidable scripturewielding jehovahs witness well, a pretend one in a versebyverse examination of the most popular proof texts used to deny the deity of christ. The christian argument against atheism is that, given its view that the universe is ultimately nonrationality, rationality could never arise from it. Hindu dharm is the way of aligning ones life with the world as per the shared worldview and the sacred. The hindu monk vivekananda regarded christianity as collection of little bits of indian thought. The concluding portions of the vedas are called upanisads.

Progressive christian author jen hatmaker cancels cancel. Hindu and christian debates over the meanings, motivations, and modalities of conversion provide the central connecting theme running through this book. Hinduism views on abortion abortion is a large controversy in todays society. The caste system has its roots in the mahabharata, which is an important holy book for much of hinduism, in particular the bhagavad gita. Like the taoist tao te ching, the buddhist dhammapada, the sikh adi granth, the jewish torah, the christian bible and the muslim koranthe veda is the hindu holy book. The most holy book considered in hinduism is the bhagavad gita. In that story, a young prince or a warrior, there are multiple different versions finds himself in a battle against his own family.

Many scholars liken hinduism to a family of religions, with all affiliated members bearing a family resemblance. Find out about its teachings of men becoming gods, temples, the book of mormon, and joseph smith who claimed to have seen god the father. Texts and books of the smriti bhagavadgita bhagavadgita the most holy book oh hinduism is the bhagvadgita. For rahil patel, a hindu priest, that meant walking away from everything he knew to follow. Christianity compared to hinduism essay 1566 words. He was an armenian and formerly a christian priest.

Take a look at the document dominus jesus of the cath. The early protestants wanted people to read the bible for themselves, to. Its central concern is the range of arguments that an eleventhcentury buddhist intellectual named ratnakirti employed to criticize the beliefs of his nonbuddhist. The church through the ages has acknowledged this status by referring to the bible as its canon, which means that the bible is the written standard for its faith and practice. Science unites people because it is objective, observable and testable so that everyone can agree on it. Hindus value many sacred writings as opposed to one holy book. I believe that many christian are following hinduism without having a single about knowledge of hinduism.

The debate takes place against the background of hinduism s teachings on love, sex, and marriage, which might be summarized as follows. Their texts, from which extracts are translated and analyzed, offer insights into. Hinduism is the worlds third largest religion, second in size only to christianity and islam. The intellectual arguments against christianity include the suppositions that it is a faith of violence, corruption, superstition, polytheism, bigotry, pontification, and sectarianism. I believed i couldnt know god, that he was angry at me, i could do. Not to mention, hindus dont worship a multitude of gods. They are rig veda, sama veda, yajur veda and atharva veda. Jul 04, 2005 hinduism and war krishna reveals his true form to prove arjunas destiny as a warrior. In the early years of christianity, the neoplatonic philosopher porphyry emerged as one of the major critics with his book against the christians.

Hitchens asserts that there is no evidence for any of the miraculous claims about muhammad, and that the korans origin was not supernatural. Debunking christian circular arguments and assumptions. Abraham, the father, had been commanded, by the god he worshipped as supreme. It is seen as devotion between two people, whether romantic or platonic.

Secondly, how is tolerating the religious other connected to an appraisal of the. There are about 8 million jehovah witnesses in the world. Hinduism today not a single soul will be deprived of this destiny. Spiritually man is in the image or likeness of god genesis 1. However i must point out, that this caste system where status is determined from birth cannot be found anywhere in scriptures. Hinduism can be traced back to ancient indian seers who transmitted to their followers their ideas about ultimate truth. In hinduism, there is no concept of personal sin against god. College art history introduction to cultures and religions for the study of ap art history hinduism hinduism this is the currently selected item. It is a debate depending on morals and beliefs, hinduism also experiences some controversy on the topic but, is generally against abortion for multiple religious reasons.

The koran is borrowed from both jewish and christian myths. Hinduism believes in one supreme being called brahman. Critics have challenged christian beliefs and teachings as well as christian actions, from the crusades to modern terrorism. Why a hindu priest left the religion to follow christ youtube. The religion of hinduism originated in northern india, near the river indus, about 4000 years ago and is the worlds oldest existing religion.

If god is allpowerful, and he is allgood, meaning he would remove evil to the. Christianity vs hinduism comparison jesus truth deliverance. It argued that the attempt to convert asia has definitely failed, and that. Criticism of christianity has a long history stretching back to the initial formation of the religion during the roman empire. In 2009, capeem settled a previous lawsuit against the state board of education over the portrayal of hinduism in school textbooks. The concept of hinduism being a single monolithic religion is recent, dating back only to the 19th century. The gods can take many forms but are all manifestations of brahmans universal spirit. I am a hindu, why should i consider becoming a christian.

Yet, mohandas gandhi, who became the secular face of hinduism in the twentieth century, outlined what he called the backbone of hinduism or sanatana dharma. God vishnu incarnated 9 times to do his job and in his every appearance he had a. Jan 01, 2001 for both 5 and 6, the individual soul survives bodily death. The earliest hindu writings date from roughly 1500 b.

Over the years we have all heard about the many attempts that have been made in india to convert various sections of society from hinduism to either christianity or islam. Hinduism is a difficult religion for western christians to classify. Philosophical arguments for and against the existence of god have been crucial to euroamerican and south asian philosophers for over a millennium. The goal is to find god within their own beings, since god brahman. This book is an attempt to outline the essence of the six classic,ystems of hindu philosophy, namely. Aug 10, 2019 in hinduism, the vedas, the upanishads, the mahabharata, the ramayana, and the bhagavad gita are considered holy books. An atheists strongest argument against christianity gays. Download the bible, the holy quran, the mahabharata, and thousands of free pdf ebooks on buddhism, meditation, etc.

Ambedkar had burnt the copies of it as a protest against the hindu caste system. Hindu sages maintained that logical argument and rational proof using nyaya is the way to obtain correct knowledge. Other hindu teachings suggest that homosexuals should not. Download books, sacred, spiritual texts and pdf ebooks. The scientific level of understanding focuses on how things work and from where they originate, while hinduism strives to understand the ultimate purposes for the existence of. As of 2020, there are about one billion hindus in the world. The book demonstrates that it is necessary to wrestle with these questions for an. Some people do consider the vedas to be divine and sacred but for recent years, it is the bhagavadgita. To date, many people look at it as a symbol of the caste system.

All other schools of thought are but,ariations of these six. Hinduism views on abortion a modern guide to hinduism. Mormonism, also known as the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, claims to be the restoration of the true gospel and a revelation of the true god. Its hard to come up with specific arguments against hinduism because while there are many stories in the mythology that are pretty fantastical just in the ramayana, bears and monkeys have a government that is a monarchy, they can talk to humans and humans can talk to them, a squirrel understands what is happening when rama is trying to build a bridge to cross over to lanka and helps as much. Views expressed in this piece are my own and may not be. Claims of antihindu bias in california schools debated at. Difference between christianity and hinduism difference. Relationship between religion and science wikipedia. The most common opposition i see against hinduism is of the so called caste system. Followers believe there are multiple paths to reaching their god. Christians believe jesus was and is the eternal god, the second person in the trinity, equal in nature with god the father and the holy spirit. The gita consists of lord krishnas teachings to arjuna on the way to live life.

You have to take it on faith there is no evidence solid, real evidence that any religion can show for the validity of its extraordinary claims. Chapter nine assesses the religion of islam, and examines the origin of its holy book, the quran. Hindu dharma rejects the following claims by christianity. Those who go against this natural relationship are. The oldest and most revered holy writings are the vedas, consisting of four books or more correctlycollections. In hinduism, one must continually strive to be morally perfect and to never act on any desire. As will be seen, there are various views for each concept, even within the. The arguments against hinduism being a religion are essentially founded on the multiplicity of deities, systems of worship and even codes of conduct. Gandhi referred to god as truth, which has great significance. Indian contact with the colonialists and christianity led hindu reformers to concentrate on the unifying elements of their tradition that could be universalized and applied to people all over in india, as well.

There is even a book titled leaving the fold that is for former. The bible rejects hindu monism while i dont disagree with your logic and premises, and am fairly certain that i could derive from the bible a rejection of hindu monism if i were more familiar with it or on the fly in a long enough discussion where it was brought up and described well enough, there is no specific rejection of hindu monism in the bible. List of holy bookstexts and scriptures in hinduism. My hinduism is not exclusive mind of mahatma gandhi. Tons of christian rituals come from hinduism and early christian bishops, popes, and monks all praised hinduism and though that we should look to india for guidance and inspiration. Philosophy and christian theology stanford encyclopedia of.

Currently, hinduism is the thirdlargest religion in the world. In developing a proper comparative approach to the philosophy of religion, patil transcends the disciplinary boundaries of religious studies, philosophy. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. A hindu once told me every single argument you come up with. Ignorance regarding this oneness, hindus say, gives rise to our bad actions, which results in bad karma, which in turn traps us in a supposed cycle of. His views on proselytization are also included in the paper. The intellectual arguments against christianity include the suppositions that it is a faith of violence, corruption, superstition, polytheism. I can no more describe my feelings for hinduism than for my own wife. Basharat e ahmadi, by late molvi abdulaziz, of lucknow 3. Aug 06, 2019 most hindu sects are henotheistic, meaning that they worship a single god named brahman, while recognizing the existence of other gods. This sacred text is divided into two main sections, the old testament and the new testament which are then further divided into various books. What are the hindu theological arguments against christianity. The bible holds an essential place in christian faith. Hindu man argue with christian video goes viral youtube.

Protestantism has a creed, a belief in god, and an organized church. Aug 30, 2020 neo hinduism developed primarily through the interactions between indian people and the british colonialists and the christian religion. Entirely true all religions eventually arrive at the same terminus. The veda, which means wisdom, is comprised of four ancient and holy scriptures which all hindus revere as the revealed word of god. The key to a christian witness to hindus as is true in various ways for all groups, is to engage the person, not the religion of the person. Christianity was founded by jesus christ and the bible is the holy book which contains infallible word of god that binds all christians. The holy books of world religions sacred texts in world. In this article, we detail the two different categories these texts are organized into, shruti and smriti, and overview the most popular of the hindu texts. Personally, i would have made it younger than that, for 4000 years ago marks the noahic flood, which was well before the tower of babel was constructed, and when god divided people by imposing a variety of languages upon them. Thus any definition of hinduism is somewhat arbitrary and requires qualification. Apr 29, 2018 the current criticism of the congress that it is against hindu interests is nothing but a continuation of these arguments, which began with hindu communalists in 1880s, through the the articulations of the hindu mahasabha, the rss and godse. A christian response to hinduism abr apologetics ministry. The ashram prayers of gandhi had passages from holy books like the git.

Hinduism is a label that covers a wide range of indian religious groups. The young prince is conflicted about this situation, and asks advice. The argument from inconsistent revelations contests the existence of the deity called god as described in scripturessuch as the hindu vedas, the jewish tanakh, the christian bible, the muslim quran, the book of mormon or the bahai aqdasby identifying apparent contradictions between different scriptures, within a single scripture, or. Manusmriti hinduism facts, interesting facts about hinduism. Hinduism and buddhism, an introduction article khan. The evangelists use this book as a weapon against hinduism to provoke dalits.

They see the universe as gods creation which will be recreated and occupied by those who are holy, as people are living in the last days. Nyaya, vaiseika, samkhya, yoga, mimari1sa, and vedanta. Hinduism does not possess a single holy book like bible in christianity and quran in islamic dharma. It takes up to two chapters of the mahabharata and is the thesis vocalized by krishna to arjuna as they were in the chariot sitting ready between the armies for battle. These include creation of matter and souls, which implicates god in the. But our inner being is not divine, not of the essence of god, and not to be worshiped. Hinduism encompasses many sacred writings and not one holy book in particular.

Hinduism, but several branches share basic concepts and beliefs that, when. Jesus christ, on the other hand, was morally perfect. Hinduism holy book important books and writings of hinduism. Hinduism is one of the oldest surviving religions of the world.

It is also one of the most defamed hindu books as dr. Nov 10, 2004 initiates to tm receive a mantra hindu holy word to repeat while sitting in yogic postures and engaging in yogic breathing. Debating conversion in hinduism and christianity 1st edition ank. To help put the enormity of that figure in perspective, consider this. With a kaleidoscope of gods, there is no central creed or founder, and no universal text on which the faith is based. Hinduism teaches that the natural thing to do is for men and women to marry and have children. The worldviews of hinduism and the christian believer digital. Christianity vs hinduism difference and comparison diffen. Some hindus believe that the kama sutra permits homosexuality though the kama sutra is not a scripture, and is not widely known by hindus. But neither could he accept the vedas as the inspired word of god, for if they were inspired why not also the bible and the koran. Walking the secular talk is becoming more difficult by the day. Hindus value many sacred writings as opposed to one. I felt it necessary to present only one additional. I am by no means an expert in history, theology or science i am a student of environmental engineering and a staunch atheist.

Third, the christian scriptures are historically outstanding, deserving serious consideration. Only one aspect of hinduism is common for all the different variants. It contains translations from relevant parts of the sacred books of hinduism. The war against hinduism written july, 2001, but still going on by stephen knapp. Though brahmins claim the vedas as their holy texts, the religion that we find.

If i could call myself, say, a christian, or a mussalman, with my own interpretation of th. Circuit judge sidney thomas, a bill clinton appointee, joined bress and schroeder on the panel. Religion as implicitly modeled upon christianity in his chapter on hinduism for the handbook for the history of religions. Information on hinduism for kids primary homework help. Hinduism is the worlds third most popular religion, with around 750 million followers.

There are a variety of sacred writingsthe vedas and upanishads. So, the final goal of hinduism is to escape or be released from the cycle of reincarnation. Christianity has a notion of grace, but hinduism does not. Hinduism a christian examines and responds to hinduism. The prince of peace will usher in the time when the wolf will live with the lamb isa.

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